Untethered Life

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Are you worshiping doubt?

“Are you serving your Faith and Courage or are you worshiping doubt?”

Ouch, right?

I remember the first time I was asked a similar question, and I realized that my truthful answer was I had been worshiping my doubt - giving it a lot of my time and attention - feeding it, hanging out with it, having long and drawn-out conversations with it.

I knew something had to change because this was definitely not my highest choice.

Doubt can be defined as ungoverned, uncontrolled use of thought. Left unchecked, this leads to the creation of things in our lives rooted in doubt and fear instead of birthed from Faith and Courage.

The key to making a change is choosing to be aware and then making a new choice to partner with Faith.

Once we recognize we have an ungoverned thought, we immediately get a redo. We get the opportunity to make a brand new choice - will I feed my Faith and Courage or will I worship doubt?

Doubt calls into question the essence of who you are. It constantly has an undercurrent of “Are you really all God says you are?”

Are you? Not, what do your thoughts say you are…what do your Faith and Courage say? What does God’s Spirit within you say?

Here’s the Truth as I’ve discovered it: You are already fully and completely prepared, supported, and supplied for your mission in life.

There is not something outside of you that will complete you. You are already God-Complete and God-Whole.

When I ask my clients what they desire to get out of their session, I often hear them say: “I want to be a better version of myself.” I love this response because it gives me an opportunity to help them navigate through the programs of “should”, “shame”, and “not enough” and into embracing the True Essence of who they are:

There is not a better version of you waiting for you in your future. There’s only YOU that exists in this present moment. The version of you that exists right now is perfect for the moment you are in.

And the Truth is… God already sees you whole.

What changes for you if you give yourself permission to lean into the Truth that you already are all you desire to be? that you already are all God desires you to be?

God is already fully pleased with you right now. You don’t have to be anyone else other than who you are at this moment.

Who you are right now is perfect for the moment you are in.

All of your life experiences up until now has prepared you with tools to navigate your life path from your place of strength, courage, grace, and ease – treasures of wisdom deposited within you for you to access right now.

These treasures are the new tools you have for your life now. Doubt is an old tool that no longer serves you.

Doubt feeds the idea that we have lack, are separated from God, and limited in what we can do on the planet.

Faith reveals you are perfectly equipped for where you are in your life right now in infinite measure.

Doubt will come in with a whisper, “Did God ‘REALLY’ say?”

Faith reveals God is fully present within you right now, giving you exactly what you require for this moment, guiding and directing you through Divine Inspiration so you can make choices moment to moment to moment to be alive in your Faith and Courage now.

The tools that doubt chooses and the way it operates is monotonous, archaic, and uncreative. Doubt will use tools to feed your shame and shush your “I AM.”

You can, however, make your new choice and ONLY partner with God in you.

If a thought comes in, you can ask “Is this something God says about God?” If not, then move on and get a new thought – one in alignment with Truth, Purity, Peace, Joy, Love, Gentleness…

You aligning in your thoughts with God’s image within you is MASSIVELY IMPORTANT in this moment.

Choose to partner WITH the Life of God flowing in you and LET YOUR LIFE AND LIGHT SHINE!

“Doubt out. My Faith In” (a decree my mentor Bob Stevens taught me) is a Quick and Easy decree to use anytime we become aware we are entertaining doubt instead of showing it the door.

This decree helps redirect and re-center you and me in our faith and courage, instead of staying stuck in the litany of thoughts that we, in the past, have let run through our minds. Use it anytime you are tempted to worship doubt and watch how quickly you feel empowered to serve your Faith and Courage instead!

Are you a Pioneer and a Forerunner?

I am creating a brand new opportunity for those that have the call to be Pioneers and Forerunners in this Brand New age we are entering. This new land requires those who are willing to let our Creative Genius shine, to Trust Holy Spirit in us can tell us exactly what we need to know when we need to know it, to choose faith and courage in embracing what we’ve always known – we are here for such a time as this because we are prepared with all the tools we require to bring Heaven on Earth.

Enrollment opens SOON! Subscribe below to my newsletter to stay up-to-date and for more info on upcoming introductory webinar “Five ways you can activate your Creative Genius”!

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