Untethered Life

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The Purpose of Pain

The words drag through my heart, claws digging deep into tender, vulnerable places.  I feel betrayed, rejected, abandoned. I wonder where it all went wrong. I only ever did the best that I could.  

I struggle to breathe.   

My eyes puffy from sobbing, my body exhausted from the emotional struggle, I am weary and wary. Sighing deeply, I try to just let it all go.    

But I can’t. I draw a strange comfort from hashing and rehashing the words and the gestures and the moments, turning each one this way and that looking for that one moment that could have been different....[to read the rest, join me over at Plaid for Women.]

Are you struggling with being stuck in a painful emotional cycle? Use coupon code "PAIN25" for $25 off a session with me if you schedule by October 31st. Click to schedule.