Untethered Life

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Is it time for your to fully shine?

I AM God-Seed for Heaven on Earth!

This morning I woke with the question "What will I have to give up in order for Heaven to fully come on earth?"

With that question, I felt fear....fear of change, fear of what I might have to "lose" (note to self: whoever clings to his life will lose it...whoever loses life for My (Jesus) sake will find life), and doubt that I might not get it "right".

I just got off of an amazing call with Robert Tennyson Stevens who said "We are seed for heaven on earth," and my heart said "YES!!!"

The thing about seeds is they don't "make themselves" grow. They just grow. Can you imagine a seed holding back it's growing...it's becoming and being what it carries inside to bring into manifestation in this world?

Can you imagine the energy the seed would have to exert to hold back being what it already has the full potential for and more?

How many potential oak trees are within an acorn??? ONLY GOD KNOWS!!!

So for a seed to hold back the potential of infinite number of oak trees would require all of its attention and focus and even then it wouldn't succeed because a SEED IS ALREADY THE FULL POTENTIAL OF ITS DNA.


Bob also reminded us Grace is without effort.

Grace is already bestowed on me in full measure for me to be all of Heaven right here and right now in my world with miracle upon miracle upon miracle upon miracle.

I reclaim my power and my energy and my authority and I LET ME BE ME as GOD-SEED for Heaven on Earth! In my seed I carry infinite seeds for more Heaven on Earth than I can ever ask or imagine and I get to LET IT HAPPEN.


Miracles happen instantaneously as I give myself full permission to shine.

I invite you to join me!!!

We are the Oaks of Righteousness, a planting of YHVH for the DISPLAY of His splendor.

YOU ARE SPENDIFEROUS!!! (is this a new kind of tree??? lol. I choose to know!)

Report your miracles! Ready to shine and choose to know how to get started?

Reach out. This is what I love to do for me and for you <3 <3 <3

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